Upper Georgetown has the most beautiful houses in DC.  It’s a wonder I didn’t get in an accident driving through on Saturday afternoon, as I was certainly more focused on the facades of the homes and their manicured bushes, rather than the road.  Though I won’t be spending the rest of my life in DC, if I were planning on it, I’d want to live in one of those homes.  Preferably a brick one painted white or light yellow, with big windows, and pink rose bushes out front.

I wasn’t just passing through the area to gaze at the houses (though I’d totally be one to do that), I was on my way to Black Salt Fish Market.  After hearing multiple rave reviews about their seafood, I’ve been wanting to visit their store for months. I finally got a chance to this weekend.  They have a beautiful spread of fresh seafood, and an interesting selection of specialty food items.  I picked up some PEI mussels, and a few other tantalizing goodies from their shop. Black Salt is not just a fish market though, they have a full restaurant in the back.  Based on how good my mussels were, I’ll definitely be returning soon to have a meal in their restaurant.

To cook the mussels I followed the Contessa’s Mussels in White Wine Recipe.  Though it’s traditional, I find nothing beats the white wine, butter, and herbs combo when it comes to steaming mussels.  And quite frankly, for me, making mussels is less about the seafood, and more about the broth- and soaking up all that broth with a crusty baguette. Paired with a simple salad, these guys for an especially homey Sunday meal.

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